
Michael Ronin is a cross-paradigmatic cultural commentator, pulling together the threads of an unraveling world to provide clarity amidst all the Crazy. If there is a single objective truth, then it is found between many different trains of thought. Therefore, he generates insights that shed light onto that “truth” from diverse angles and viewpoints.

I’ve spent a large proportion of my adult life trying to see the world as it really is and coming to my own conclusions. Conclusions about everything I’ve been told or have learned from others. Most people, especially nowadays through their social media preferences, live in an echo chamber. Strangely, I find there aren’t enough groups or people out there whose thinking is closely mirrored by my own. I find myself constantly and intentionally challenging my thinking by reading and reviewing stuff from all over the informational map. I digest as much as possible from as wide an array of rock-solid sources as I can, picking and choosing those that make the most sense to me, and then synthesizing it all into something
coherent. As I ingest information and perspectives, I try to accept and acknowledge my own limited ability to fully understand everything and, instead, embrace a growth mindset, however flawed or imperfect I might be at any moment. I am at war with my level of ignorance.

I’m deeply concerned with society and our shared journey together as a species and in particular how it affects men. Even in western cultures, society is “not fit for human consumption.” It in no way works for the
benefit of the vast majority of people. I’m both fascinated and disturbed about how the world is screwed up, how it got to be screwed up, how I got to be screwed up, and the parts we all play in creating the best conditions for people and planet.

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Something seems to have reached a tipping point in our collective consciousness, and people are becoming distressingly polarized and hysterical, if not basket cases. The causal factors for our predicament are, for the most part, available for those who care to look but are largely relegated to the fringe. More than this, I’m speaking out because so many people don’t know they’re being lied to. And they don’t know that they are being manipulated and conditioned in such a way that distracts them
from realizing their true nature and living harmoniously with each other.

I feel bereft at the state of the world right now.  I feel the cruelty of unconsciousness in this world and the harm it causes. This is the creature from the Black Lagoon that lurks unrecognized by most.

I’m also here to speak the truth which, by its very nature, is belligerent— because it stands squarely against a world built on comfortable misperceptions, mild deceptions, and outright lies. The uncomfortable
truth stands squarely at the side of the conscious man as his ally in life.

Michael Ronin takes a deep dive into the hidden impulses that run our current feminine/masculine dynamics to provide a much needed dialogue for how to navigate the arising new culture of what it means to be masculine.

Along with addressing historical and prevailing narratives with unusual insight Michael frames the obstacles and adversities the modern man faces in a way that supports connection and creates resonance with Self. He brings a much needed awakening to the beauty, power and possibility of the relational integrity of the Divine Masculine for our world.

- Susan Mason - Relationship Coach, Conscious Uncoupling Coach

Michael Ronin explores the archetypal patterns of masculinity, the strained relationship between the sexes within the current zeitgeist, and modern man’s struggle to make sense of it all.

Rebelling against the intellectual establishment, Ronin challenges the fashionable narratives which damage our young men and prevent them from ascending to their full potential. Modern Masculinity for the Conscious Man unpacks the puzzle that is life and offers a path forward to address some of the most pressing concerns of our time.

- Arran Rogerson, The Golden Shadow podcast

As a psychologist who studies issues concerning Men and Masculinity, I found this book to be an amazing resource. What a breath of fresh air this book is!!!!!!

We live in a world where it feels masculinity is being attacked on many levels. This book brings forth truths about various statistics, schools of thought, movements, and society as it concerns men. The book presents both sides of the argument in factual ways. It challenges the reader to not accept what mainstream culture is offering and to think for yourself! This book promotes healthy and realistic masculinity. I highly recommend it!

As an author, researcher and psychologist, this book brought to light many of the thoughts and feelings I was personally and professionally experiencing. It was a nice confirmation to my own thoughts and an eye opener to several others. Thank you Michael Ronin for your in-depth conscientious work and your invaluable contribution.

- Douglas W. Carpenter, Psy.D., Author of Childhood Trauma and the Non-Alpha Male.